Current Team

Dr. Daniel Birkholz
Primary Investigator

Daniel Birkholz is Associate Professor of English at The University of Texas at Austin. Dan brings expertise in medieval studies, cartography, and biography to AML.

Dr. Liz Fischer
Co-Primary Investigator

Liz Fischer is a consultant and independent scholar, and a graduate of UT Austin's English department. Liz handles all matters technical, as well as project management for AML.

Erin Brantmayer
GIS Specialist
Erin Brantmayer is a PhD student in the Department of Classics at the University of Texas at Austin.
Isabella Neubauer

Isabella Neubauer is a Ph.D. student in the English department at the University of Texas at Austin.

Former Collaborators

Harmony Moura Burk

During her time on the project, Harmony Moura Burk was an English and Philosophy double major in Liberal Arts Honors and the English Honors Program at UT Austin.

Eugene Chen

During her time on the project, Eugene Chen was a Ph.D. student in Asian Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

Bee Barlow

During their time on the project, Bee was an English major and part of the Liberal Arts Honors program at UT Austin.

Zoe Grout

During her time on the project, Zoe Grout was a graduate student in the English and Information Studies dual degree at UT Austin.

Everette Brousseau
During her time on the project, Everette Brousseau was an undergraduate student in English and Plan II Honors at UT Austin.
Alicen Davis

During her time on the project, Alicen Davis was a Ph.D. Student in English at UT Austin.

Emma Hetrick
During her time on the project, Emma Hetrick was in the dual-degree English MA/Information Studies MSIS program at UT Austin.
Thomas Rushin
During his time on the project, Thomas Rushin was a Ph.D. student in English at UT Austin.
Jack Rouse
During their time on the project, Jack Rouse was an undergraduate student in English and Accounting at UT Austin.
Laren Spear
During his time on the project, Laren Spear was an undergraduate at UT in computational chemistry who enjoys working on interdisciplinary projects with large datasets.
Rebekah Edwards

Rebekah Edwards is a 2019 English graduate from the University of Texas at Austin.

Matthew Scarborough
Research Assistant

Matthew is a former-English student turned engineer, about to start their PhD in Computational Science, Engineering, and Math at UT. 

Melissa Heide
Project Manager

During her time on the project, Melissa was a graduate student in the English department at UT Austin.